
Brushing your teeth seems like a pretty straightforward task: Brush in the morning, brush at night and that’s all there is to it. However, all of us at Glenn Fortner, DDS in Glen Allen want you to know that it’s not really that simple. While brushing at least twice a day is great for your smile, it’s even more important to make sure you’re doing it correctly.

By properly brushing your teeth, you’re helping to ensure an overall healthy mouth. Using the correct technique can be very effective at preventing cavities, gum disease, bad breath, tooth loss and other serious dental problems.

Tips for Proper Tooth Brushing

  • Brush twice a day for at least 2 minutes each time

  • Angle the bristles at 45 degrees to reach under the gum line

  • Use circular motions instead of horizontal strokes to prevent surface abrasions

  • Make sure to clean all surfaces of the teeth including front, back and chewing area

  • Gently brush your tongue each time as wel

Following these tips can help lead to an overall healthier mouth. However, keeping up with regular visits and professional cleanings with your dentist in Glen Allen is still important. If you’re due for an exam or professional cleaning, call Dr. Glenn Fortner to schedule an appointment today.